I don’t know where dP (a.k.a. MBC or Master Baby Calmer) found this beef chew but you should have seen the look on Stryder’s face when he first saw it. Let’s just say he was airborn for more than a few seconds.
This beef chew has teaching potential. It has taught the dog the following:
- To go slowly and look both ways before going through areas with walls / banisters / and barriers with said beef chew in his mouth.
- It is impossible to hide something that is three feet long in the sofa or plant at the bottom of the stairs.
- Too much eating of the beef chew will cause the need to eat grass. This also means the beef chew will be taken away even if he tries to unsuccessfully hide it in the plant.
- He has learned the words “get that stinky thing out of my face” which means find a hiding place quick and look innocent before it gets taken away.
- One last benefit to the chew: Stryder has the whitest teeth I have seen in a long time. He’s been walking around with sparkling white teeth all day, flashing them like some debonair womanizer every opportunity he gets.