Snow, snow, snow. It seems that Canada is drowning in snow and ice this winter… perhaps a bit more than usual but this is Canada and frankly, Christmas (and winter) just isn’t the same without snow.
I say this not as a person trying to justify being in Canada with the white stuff; I’m saying this as a person who spends most of their week in a place that rarely experiences snow. In California, it’s brown and warm and spring-like all the time. It’s disorientating because I didn’t grow up with the subtle seasonable signals that Californians know. The weather in California is one big season for me.
There are also so many wonderful things that can be done in the snow that Canadian kids take for granted. Below is a couple of them: tobogganing and dog sledding. Kima and Stryder make excellent sled dogs and it makes for an afternoon of laughter and fun.