The Travel Geek


I’m in Chicago for Agile 09. It’s very exciting and perhaps a tad bit overwhelming. Every conference I’ve ever been to I’ve been the soul attendee from the company I’ve worked for. However, this conference has become the meeting grounds for TW people from all over the world. So many faces that I’m happy to see… so many ideas and Agile games being played. It’s hard to soak it all in.

You may have noticed in the past that I like to start my new travel posts with a getting from A to B story. So, what’s my getting to Chicago story? It’s a boring customs story…

Customs started with the standard, why are you going to the US question. Then he flipped to the page in my passport covered in US stamps. This is when he scowled, took a deep breathe and said: “youdon’thaveanycriminalhistorybeenarrested carryinganyfruitvegitables farmsvisitedanyfarms leavinganyproductsorgiftsintheus carryingmorethan$5000insuitcase?” *STAMP* “Great. Next.” I think it took all of three seconds to push me through customs.

Oh… and I swear I was sitting next to Michael Jackson on the flight.

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