The Travel Geek

Calgary to Denver

Today’s flights included a two hour ditty to Denver Colorado and another two hour ditty to New Orleans.

I’m off to New Orleans to attend the 2003 HOW conference; HOW is a design magazine that hosts a yearly conference touted as one of the best in the design world. Topics deal with real world situations: what to do when you run out of money on a project and it is only half done, dealing with difficult clients, the golden triangle, and rediscovering your inner spark.

I’ve been to Denver before. It has similar weather to Calgary because it’s also on the cusp of the Rocky Mountains; it has a similar phenomenon to the Chinook (warm winds that come down off the mountains). The only difference is Denver is built inside of a large depression and when the winds come down off the mountains they lock pollution into the city until winds blow in and take it away. You could see the Chinook arch over the city as we landed.

All this said, Denver is a beautiful city that is similar to Calgary in character.

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