The Travel Geek

Naam, Kitsilano

The Naam Cafe was founded back in 1968 when 4th Avenue was still called Rainbow Road. It began as a gathering place for people who were seeking “the good life.” Naam means “name” – the original name. We hope you enjoy your visit.

An appropriate name given the number of yoga studios in the area and the earthy, healthy feel of the neighbourhood. It has long been a staple for university students up late studying or drinking. The restaurant is open 24-hours a day, 7-days a week — except on Christmas day. It’s pitched as vegetarian / vegan but not gluten-free.

I’m told there can be a huge line up at all times during the day/night. We lucked out and only had a 10-minute wait for a table. Time passed quickly as we listened to live music.

If given the opportunity, I’m not sure how I’d rate the restaurant. It came with a ton of hype and rants/raves about how it’s the “best restaurant in Vancouver.” From my experience, the avocado and cashew enchilada was somewhat meh and the service came with an attitude.

However, for a leisurely meal in a piece of Vancouver history, it was worth the cab ride from Yaletown.

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