The Travel Geek

Port Maitland Beach

Tourists seem to only like the white beaches of Nova Scotia and not the brown or red beaches that you often see around the French shore or higher up the coast in the province. Places like Risers and White Point Beach Resort are so packed on some days that you can’t find a place to lay down your towel. But, it’s ok for tourists to have their preference because the brown beaches are just as nice (the sand feels better) and when we went for lunch at the Port Maitland Beach we didn’t have to fight for a place to sit.

Another difference between today’s beach and yesterdays was that at the Port Maitland Beach there is a lifeguard. The flags on the beach indicate which areas are being patrolled. The water between the flags is being watched by the lifeguards and everywhere else you swim at your own risk. This is to give the lifeguard some sort of hope of helping someone in distress in a sane manner.

The water here was warmer (if there is such a thing on the Atlantic) and there was a sun heated strip of water between two sand bars where little kids could play without freezing to death. The day was cooler and also windier but it didn’t distract one bit from the pleasure of being on the beach eating lunch.

I also got to see a whole gaggle (what is the proper term?) of sandpipers doing their thing at the water’s edge. Sandpipers are a protected species so it was quite a treat to see them in action and not under any stress.

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