The Travel Geek

Fishing Boats

A slight detour in our trip down the south shore included a stop at one of the fishing docks by Cape Forchu. It was such a calm and beautiful evening that I had to stop and take photos of the boats and lobster traps. It is rare to be able to see the sun shining and no ripples in the water – especially on the waterfront where fog and bitter winds tend to rule.

The older lobster traps pictured in the gallery are the wooden top rounded ones that you see in tourist places and in souvenir shops. Though these are traditionally what have been used for hundreds of years they tend to fall apart quickly. The ones that the fishermen actually use are the wired mesh square traps. These are more durable though not as easily recognized by tourists.

While at the docks we ran into a band of wild cats that most likely live off fish guts and other nastiness the fisherman throw away once they are done with the fish. Such is life at the wharf.

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