The Travel Geek

What Canadians Do For Fun: Part 2

A Canadian winter party is never really a successful party until someone gets stuck in a ditch. This time around it was two somebody’s: Roberta and Allie. And, there may have been others; because, once one vehicle was swallowed by the snow the rest seemed to follow suit as people parked too close to the ditch.

When it came time to leave we rounded up as many strong males as we could find and trekked up the long, cold, dark, snow filled hill to where the cars were parked. By this point the snow had swallowed a large chunk of Allie’s van and the front of Roberta’s car – necessitating the use of a shovel and floor mats for traction.

The van made it out easily enough but alas for the Golf it wasn’t going to be that simple. Even with half a dozen men and even more pubescent teens in t-shirts all vying to show off their muscles and youthful wit, we couldn’t get the Golf to budge. Mother Nature didn’t seem to want to relinquish her grip on the front end.

While standing out in the cold trying to figure out what we were going to do, our saviour arrived: an ancient pick-up truck full of wood, metal and rust. We couldn’t have been happier. A few moments later (after securing a chain and letting the tank truck do its thing) we managed to conquer the evil snow.

Once again – a good time was had by all – as Canadian’s have a bizarre sense of what is fun to do in the winter and at parties. Everyone cheered and laughed when the car found its way onto the road. The party was indeed a success!

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