The Travel Geek

It’s very much like drinking from a firehose

The last few weeks in my work life have been fragmented, difficult, and full of really big corporate problems. I’m not complaining because I love the brainpower needed to solve these problems and I’m working towards being more of an influencer to my peers.

But, these problems require more than a singular brain to solve. They need collaboration and coordination with a hive mind… and that’s the exhausting part: collaborating with lots of really smart, diverse people who mull problems until they become strategies, experiments, and solutions.

(Photo was taken by my friend Sumeet in India and is not even remotely related to my current client.)

I’ve started to actively write about the outputs of this realm of my life at Medium; take a peek if you’re interested in corporate transformation. I only have the capacity for one industry article a month and even that sucks away time from every other aspect of my life.

These days I happen to be stuck in the middle of nowhere in what can only be described as suburban hell. And, even though I am in a place where exciting things are happening, last week the only interesting thing I saw was some giant pumpkins. The week was otherwise filled with cement walls, cubicles, traffic, no coffee, and food delivery services.

I need to work out a Chicago exploration strategy once I am more settled and the problems/ideas aren’t coming at me like water coming out of a firehose. The good news is there is an international component to this project.

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