The Travel Geek


On one of our “graveyard” trips I dragged dP to Argyle in hopes of finding the church and churchyard where the McKinnon “original ancestor” is buried. My grandfather visited the site many years ago and found the grave, and so now dP and I were doing the same. The only problem was that upon arrival we discovered that the church was in immaculate condition, but the churchyard was extremely grown over and the only way we could get close to finding the grave was by examining a vague map of where all the graves are located.

While in the church we enlisted the help of a very nice tour guide (Justin) who came with us on our quest to find the ancestral headstone. We had a number and a location, but couldn’t find a starting point amongst the tangled mass of vegetation. In the end the headstone was hopelessly lost amongst a plethora of grabbing plants; and, I had lots of scratches to prove it.

The trip wasn’t an entire waste. The church itself contains a wealth of information on the early Nova Scotia settlers and is worth a visit. And, I did get a look at the area where my family originally settled.

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