The Travel Geek

Hara (Birthday)

It was a mellow relaxing day; a great day for a birthday. We played cards for most of the day and then took turns playing the guitar and harmonica. It was really low key and was exactly what I was looking for. For dinner we had barracuda and well into the evening drank rum and coconut milk. Good drink!

After the fish Annie brought me a cake that the locals baked. It was a very colourful cake and apparently they had to steam cook it because there is no oven on the island. I was thrilled! After playing more cards, some of the Malaysians brought us Sweet Lip Fish to sample. The meat was very tender and tasted like scallops. We also sampled some barbecued squid.

Later in the evening I sat on the sandy beach and just watched the moon. It was a gorgeous evening and a great way to end my birthday. And, somehow in the course of it all my mom managed to call the island. I think Mari had something to do with that!

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