Um Espresso Solo, Por Favor

Espresso… miraculous espresso. After roughly 24-hours of travel time with no real food or coffee, I finally find espresso and it tastes like heaven. This fuels my obsession to find the perfect espresso in every city I visit.

I’m told the best espresso in Brazil actually comes from Italy because the good Brazilian coffee gets exported to other countries… (or maybe he said that most good Italian coffee is Brazilian… it’s hard to tell).

Gustaria um espresso solo. Si, no leite. Obregada. (Check. I can now order a coffee.)

Food is the next step. Food is a bit more nebulous with a wheat and dairy allergy. I learn quickly that Brazilians are very knowledgeable about gluten allergies. Contem nao Gluten? works just fine. Hell, even nao farinha works in Sao Paulo; however, when I head North I learn that this could also be tapioca flour.

Dairy is problematic. Dairy is in everything and it’s hard to identify. In the gallery is an energy drink made from some unidentified white fruit and water. It looks like it could have dairy but after a “nao leite, nao iogurte, nao whey, nao manteiga” discovery conversation I was told there was no dairy whatsoever.

However, to be on the safe side I stuck with the basics: fish (peixes), beef (carne), rice (arroz) and fruit (fruita). (Check. I can now order food.)

Next step… transit.

4 comments on “Um Espresso Solo, Por FavorAdd yours →

  1. Hi,

    I believe you’ll enjoy the @Coffee_Lab_Br, map at, they have different coffee varieties and brewing processes, it’s very good, and I believe they speak English.

    In the same neighborhood, close to it, there’s a street market on Sundays, you might be interested. By the way it’s a bohemian neighborhood, you will find lots of interesting bars around there.

    Enjoy 🙂

  2. “I’m told the best espresso in Brazil actually comes from Italy”

    Nonsense. The best Brazilian coffee comes from the north of the state of São Paulo or from Minas Gerais and never leaves Brazil.

  3. Thank you, Rafael. I didn’t get a lot of time in São Paulo but these two things are now on my list for next time.

    One of my favourite things to see is street markets. I find the conversations with the vendors really interesting and a good indication of the heart of a people and their city.

    I believe Agile Brazil is in Sao Paulo next year!

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