The Five Top Moments Where I’ve Considered Turning Stryder into a Hat

Oh… there are many many stories. One day my readers will tune in and find out that dP and I shipped Stryder off to a peanut colony. Here are the most recent hair pullers…

  1. The Dog Park – Stryder’s has a persistent need to dominate one particular racing greyhound every time we see it. It doesn’t matter to Stryder that the greyhound is a whole foot taller than him; he still jumps on the dog’s back and humps away even though only one leg can touch the ground when he does this.

    It also doesn’t matter that every time Stryder jumps on the greyhound’s back he ends up falling over and hitting the ground with a loud thump. Stryder just keeps doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it and doing it until I put him on leash.

  2. Again At The Dog Park — These days Stryder is pretty good at coming when he is called except when he is trying to dominate the racing greyhound and when he decides – for fun – that he wants eat a whole tennis ball while all his doggie friends watch. I guess he either thought he was cool or succumbed to peer pressure (Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!).
  3. At Toys ‘R Us — This morning Stryder earned a few colourful nicknames while I was standing in the “returns line-up” to return a travel bed that I bought for La Niña. As I told the nice lady at the checkout that the mattress had a hole in it she suspiciously eyed the massive bite mark in the side of the box and what was left of the chewed up box top.
  4. In Bed Last Night — At 2am he decided to obsessively lick his empty nut sack. After being told to shut up he proceeded to jump up, run into the hallway and vomit up the tennis ball from #4 in a spectacular power puke that spanned the carpet, wall and down the side entrance steps. He then tried to eat his vomit and what was left of the tennis ball.
  5. At dP’s Co-Worker’s Gorgeous House — While visiting the paramedic co-worker who will be babysitting La Niña in December Stryder ran excitedly around the house with a super hyper golden retriever. At the end of his excited tirade he stopped at the owner’s Chihuahua’s food dish, lifted his leg and peed all over it. I was horrified because he has never done anything like this before.

Yeh… he’s pretty lucky that he’s cute and makes the baby laugh.

2 comments on “The Five Top Moments Where I’ve Considered Turning Stryder into a HatAdd yours →

  1. Stryder and our Riley must be soul-mates. Riley’s latest is trying to mate with all of the children who come over for playdates. Charming…

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