Coffee Story

I don’t sleep anymore; long gone are the days of leisurely evenings spent relaxing in bed with a book, sleeping for longer than an hour or two at a time, and general evening comfort.

All this has been replaced with waking up at random times during the night in fight or flight “where do I need to be” mode, cold noses finding their way to the warmest part of my back because one of the dogs either needs out or they think it’s funny to see me jump a foot in the air in the middle of the night, La Niña crying out because she’s had a nightmare, or my brain is simply moving too fast to slow down.

Because I need stimulants to keep me awake during the day my coffee intake has been off the scale; and, Red Headed Rick Moranis Barista Man (RHRMBM) has moved on to either bigger and better things or he’s switched shifts with someone else; that is very dismaying.

On one particularly sleepy day I had my coffee in hand, went from doing the accounting, answering emails and into the boardroom for a meeting. Because I was in such a rush to get to this sales meeting instead of grabbing my coffee cup I grabbed my travel coffee mug; the one that’s been sitting unused for two weeks on my desk.

Just as I sat down for the meeting I took a swig of my coffee and instantly wondered why it was cold and carbonated like pop. Then I realized my cappuccino was a fermented-mold-a-ccino.

There was a long but dignified pause where I tried to decide whether to make a scene and spit the coffee out or finish the process of drinking it; the internal debate probably only occurred for a second or two but it seemed like an eternity until I finally decided to just drink what was already in my mouth.

I then made an excuse about grabbing a business card and found my real coffee. I promptly rinsed my mouth out with the real cappuccino and went back to the meeting. I had a hard time concentrating because all I could think about was the cold and carbonated coffee and whether or not I would get sick.

5 comments on “Coffee StoryAdd yours →

  1. I would have quietly spit it back into the cup. I guess the only way to get some sleep is to get rid of Makenna and the dogs. But I guess that won’t happen.

  2. All I can say is “Ick”…. I can’t imagine what it would have tasted like, but I don’t think I’d want to. I hope you get a good nights sleep soon. Regan is still in her crib, in our room… when she woke up last night as we were just going to bed…. I decided that it was time she started sharing a room with her brother Gavin… I think we will be doing that transition this weekend. It’s definitely time.

  3. Fermented-mold-a-ccino… lol.

    Love it.

    I also love that you rinsed your mouth out with real cappuccino.

  4. Tina: the real cappuccino was so good; it seemed natural to rinse my mouth with it!

    Bob: When I was in Washington I got the best sleep ever; and Chris got none. Though he gets as little sleep as I do; though he doesn’t seem to wake up in “go” mode at random times in the middle of the night.

  5. OMG……NOOOOOOO!!!!!! *shudders in horror* Ack, you are giving me chills, the thought of that icky, fermented-mold-a-ccino…just…EW.

    LOL that you used your “good” cappucino to “rinse” out your mouth though! That’s hilarious!

    Sorry to hear your favourite Barista is MIA…that sucks! Perhaps you should inquire after him? The Internets want to know! 😉

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