
In all my years of living in the Annapolis Valley and driving around on the back roads looking for interesting places I never once discovered Margaretsville. I feel like I’ve missed out on a wonderful part of Nova Scotia and am giddy now that I have found it.

The one thing I remember about Margaretsville is that years ago it was a haven for soap opera stars who wanted to get away, specifically those from Another World. Most have left and have now been replaced by German tourists.

The Margaretsville lighthouse is one of Nova Scotia’s noted lighthouses because it is the first one to be built on the Bay of Fundy. It was erected in 1859 and like most lighthouses has its share of ghost stories. The one still circulating amongst the older residents is of a lighthouse keeper who used to take off his hat, bow before an invisible entity and say: “Good evening, Dave” before entering the lighthouse.

Residents say that he was talking to the ghost of a man who committed suicide by jumping off the wharf at high tide. When the body of the jumper was recovered it was taken to the lighthouse and left there overnight before being buried in an unmarked grave the next day. Apparently his spirit stayed behind.

While by the wharf, Uncle Jeff, La Niña and I discovered an ice cream parlour. I think we’ll have to come back one evening for a good old fashioned treat…

5 comments on “MargaretsvilleAdd yours →

  1. Hum! Looks like the tide is out. You don’t want to walk along that shore (with the rockface) when the tide is starting to come in. Many have been trapped there by the fast rising Fundy tide.

  2. Sharlene, I could have taken you on a tour!! Margaretsville is where I grew up and still visit often, my parents still live in the same house!!! I’ll call you soon, promise!

  3. Raelene, you rock. Maybe we could plan to meet at the ice cream shop — or do a tour. I also didn’t realize Port Lorne was close to all of these spots. Port Lorne days is coming up as well…

  4. Sharlene glad to see that you enjoyed your visit to Margaretsville. If you travelled over from Middleton you passed through Victoria Vale which is where I lived for the fist eighteen years of my life. I remember our trips and picnics to Margaretsville where there were three ice cream parlours with homemade ice cream. They had 5 and 10 cent cones and a full bananna split for 35 cents. (those were the good old days) Sorry that you were not able to come and see us at Maple Grove in Shubenacadie as along with our daughter Shawna and Regan we would have loved to meet you and Mckenna as well as your dad and mom. If there were time and space I could share many stories about Margaretsville, Port George, Port Lorne, Morden and all those Bay of Fundy communities. Ye all come back.

  5. I’m disappointed about not being able to make it out that way but I don’t think Niña would be able to do the drive. The drive from Halifax to the Valley was incredibly rough for her. We’ll have to wait until she’s older…

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