Las Escobas

A esta famosa taberna d’las Escobas cuya existencia data en año 1386, concurrieron entre otros ingenios, glorias d’las letras universales, cervantes, Lope d’Vega, Lope d’Rueda, Becquer, Dumas, Lord Byron, Montoto y Los Hermanos Alvarez Quintero.

La propiedad d’esta finca coloco estos azulejos para perpetuar la memoria d’tan insignes prohombres en el año el senor d’ 1962.

Like I’ve mentioned a million times in the past, I’m a coffee shop nut and particularily love restaurants / coffee shops / taverns that are older than colonial history in North America. And, this little restaurant was built 65-years before Columbus was even born.

A very loose translation of the text above is, the tavern was founded in the year 1386 and was a gathering place of great minds like Lope d’Vega, Lope d’Rueda, Bécquer (likely both brothers), Dumas, Lord Byron, Montoto y Los Hermanos Alvarez Quintero. A plaque was put outside the door in commemoration of these gentleman.

The food here was some of the better food we encountered in Sevilla. Seems that in the city’s core, restaurants prefer to serve hamburgers and french fries over classic Spanish meals like paella and tortilla. It was here that we had our first encounter with torrijas caseras, which is a typical Semana Santa desert.

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