If you are in Seaport and walking North West on Congress Street towards the Children’s Museum, when you get to the intersection of Congress and Farnsworth, one of the crumbling corners of the building has been repaired… with Lego.
Using Legos to patch holes in crumbling walls is not a new concept. Jan Vorman has been repairing walls with Lego and adding colour to cities all over Europe for a very long time.
But in Beantown, the Legos appeared on Farnsworth / Congress in 2015 and for the longest time, locals speculated about who created it. It wasn’t until April of this year (2016) that NPR revealed that the Lego artist of Boston is Nate Swain, a landscape architect turned guerrilla street artist.
The original work incorporated a tiny little police station into the old brick and legos. This was a political commentary pointing out the need for a police station in this part of Boston.
But, the little station was vandalized. Quickly, a repaired version went up. This rendition is a commentary for Boston’s building boom and the squeezing out of local artists.
I’m not sure how many times the little wall has been vandalized and repaired (street art that gains attention doesn’t fair very well in big cities… just ask Banksy). Currently, construction on the lot next to the building is damaging everything in its vicinity. But, so far the little Lego patch seem to be holding up well.
I literally posted this. Went to work and noticed that the little Lego was was in jail. I think it’s days may be numbered because of the construction!
A few days later, the construction has progressed and the little lego wall still exists:
Sadly, the little Lego wall on Congress is now gone. The construction guys sheered off the entire section of the wall and with it went the Lego.